Our Senior Adult Ministry—or H.A.M.S. (Harmony Adult Ministry to Seniors, as we call it)—is open to anyone 50-ish and over! Whatever we are doing, we always have fun! As one of our honey HAMS even said, “I’m 88 years old! If it ain’t fun, I ain’t doin’ it!” In addition to having all that fun, we also maintain a strong focus on the five functions of a healthy church—worship, fellowship, discipleship, service (ministry), and evangelism.
Bruce Hill is our Senior Adult Pastor, and he and his wife Stephanie serve our HAMS. You can tell by our nickname that we try not to take ourselves too seriously, and we definitely like to stay busy! We have monthly fellowships, a weekly Wednesday morning Bible study, Life Groups, Sunday school classes, a special ministry for our Shut-In members, and lots of opportunities for ministry and mission work throughout the year. Also, we love to go out to eat, take day trips to the theatre and other attractions, and even go on overnight trips!
We do strive to make things fun, but our ministry is ultimately focused on bringing glory to God and reaching others for Christ. We want folks to see more than just “good people;” we want them to experience the love of Christ through us! If you would like to know more, please contact Bruce Hill at brucehill@mymhbc.com or call the church office at (865)522-5522. We would love to connect with you and let you know what’s happening in HAMS!
Bruce Hill is our Senior Adult Pastor, and he and his wife Stephanie serve our HAMS. You can tell by our nickname that we try not to take ourselves too seriously, and we definitely like to stay busy! We have monthly fellowships, a weekly Wednesday morning Bible study, Life Groups, Sunday school classes, a special ministry for our Shut-In members, and lots of opportunities for ministry and mission work throughout the year. Also, we love to go out to eat, take day trips to the theatre and other attractions, and even go on overnight trips!
We do strive to make things fun, but our ministry is ultimately focused on bringing glory to God and reaching others for Christ. We want folks to see more than just “good people;” we want them to experience the love of Christ through us! If you would like to know more, please contact Bruce Hill at brucehill@mymhbc.com or call the church office at (865)522-5522. We would love to connect with you and let you know what’s happening in HAMS!