Senior Pastor
I was the third child in a pastor’s home. I became a Christian at the age of 12 in an evangelistic crusade held at my home church in Florida. I was actively involved in the church as a teen, working in bus ministry and teaching a group of fifth grade boys in Sunday School. It was no secret that my love for service continued into adulthood. While in Bible college, I surrendered to full time ministry and several years later, was ordained to the gospel ministry. I received my Bachelor's in Bible from Trinity College of the Bible, my MDiv from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and my PhD from Trinity Theological Seminary. Before becoming a pastor I served churches in both music and youth. I accepted a call to pastor my first church in New Market, Tennessee before coming to Mount Harmony. I am privileged to be married to my beautiful wife, Tracy, and together we have three children and a growing family of son and daughter in-laws and grandchildren.

Chris Sliger
Associate Pastor
I am a native of East Tennessee, born in Louisville. I earned a technical degree from Pellissippi State Technical Community College and worked as a design engineer in my early adult life. I was saved as a young adult and began serving in my local church. It was there I met my wife, Jennifer. Our passion for serving the Lord grew and we surrendered our life to full-time ministry. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Pastoral Studies from Mission University in Springfield, Missouri and a Master of Divinity in Discipleship from Liberty University. Jennifer and I have three children; David, Garrett, and Baylie.

Steven Hoover
Worship Pastor
I was born and raised in the mountains of central Pennsylvania. I came to Knoxville to attend Johnson University where I met my wife Ashley. We have two children: Cali and Gibson. I graduated from Johnson with a Bachelor's Degree in Youth Ministry, Preaching, and Bible, and from Southern Seminary with a Master's Degree in Christian Ministry. I am working on a Ph.D. in the Theology of Worship program at Southern Seminary.

Bruce hill
Associate Pastor to Senior Adults and Administration
I was born in Jackson, Mississippi. I moved to the Memphis area when I was 2 years old, so I have always called Tennessee home. I came to know the Lord at the age of 19 while watching Adrian Rogers on television. I grew up as a Deacon’s kid in a Southern Baptist Church, and ironically, my salvation experience happened when I skipped church that Wednesday evening! I prayed a prayer when I was younger but at the age of 19, truly repented of my sin and called on the Lord for salvation. Although I felt a call to ministry even back then, I did not pursue that calling until much later in life. I worked in the insurance and banking industries before fully surrendering to ministry. At that time, I also began pursuing my educational goals, graduating with Bachelor’s Degrees in Religion and Finance from Liberty University followed by a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Leadership and a Master of Theology. I am on staff as the bookkeeper at MHBC and also as the Associate Pastor to Senior Adults. I serve the senior adults with my wife Stephanie in the ministry we named HAMS (Harmony Adult Ministry to Seniors). Stephanie and I have one son, Thomas; two adorable dogs, Mia and Mollie; and one crazy kitty, the Flakycat.

CJ Pointer
Youth Director
I was born in the Republic of Panama where my parents were stationed. After graduating high school in Oliver Springs, Tennessee, I attended Carson Newman University for a degree in Middle School Education. I joined the United States Army as a Chaplain Assistant, and was stationed at Fort Eustis, Virginia at the Regimental Memorial Chapel. During that time, I found a passion for teaching Gods word to middle school and high school students. After four years, I moved back to East Tennessee where I am now teaching Math at Jefferson Middle School. I am the Youth Director at Mount Harmony. My wife Britney and I have three children, Beau who came to the marriage with Britney and two children of our own, Kaia and Kian.

David Sliger
Middle School Director
I am originally from Missouri but I have lived in Tennessee for most of my life so, as far as I am concerned, I am a full blooded Volunteer. When I was 7 years old I thought I got saved in my living room while watching VeggieTales. When I was 15, I came to my senses and actually got saved. Recently I felt the call to ministry on my life. I have worked with the worship team, the children's ministry and am now with the youth as the Middle School Director. I am in school with plans to get my undergraduate from Liberty University.