865-522-5522 | 6500 Strawberry Plains Pike

Our Rich History

In 1874, realizing the community needed a place to worship, Christopher Columbus (C.C.) Osborne Sr. donated land from his homestead property on what is now Strawberry Plains Pike. The first church, a log structure heated by a pot belly stove, was built by Mr. Osborne, himself a builder, and friends in the community.
The first preachers were responsible for multiple congregations. Services were held at Mount Harmony twice a month.
The first revival was July 1896. There were 56 conversions. The first offering of $4.07 for the orphanage and foreign missions was received and divided equally on November 26, 1898. The first Sunday School was organized on April 10, 1904.

Though the church has existed on the present site since 1874, the church's address on annual reports changed over the years and would include Kangaroo Post Office (one of the oldest post offices in this area); Henry's Cross Roads, Sevierville TN; Leonidus in Wood Dale, TN before being listed in 1913 as Straw Plains, Knoxville, Route 4 on Straw Plains Pike.

The ensuing century and a half since the formation of Mount Harmony Baptist Church would be marked by the salvation of many souls, focus on mission education, trips and giving, ministries to the community and people of all ages, bereavement meals, revivals, buildings, growth and always an abundance of food and fellowship. 
When the log structure fell into disrepair, the decision was made by Charles Merriman and W. D. Johnson, gentlemen who today would be called trustees, to build a new building rather than make extensive repairs to the log structure. Approval to build a new building was given in 1897. Only after Pastor R.N. Cate discharged the first building committee and  appointed a new one, J.A. Bales, J.E. Perry and C.C. Osborne, was the building started in 1902. After paying $59.00 for framing, the committee was instructed to purchase the siding and shingles. Over the next few years the building would be finished. The white frame church became the new meeting place for the congregation circa 1904. In July 1911, an offering of $11.20 was taken to finish the bell tower.
Rev. A. E. Cate was pastor in 1935 when an educational building was added to the white frame building. In December 1937 all debts on the building were paid in full.
The Kennedy family donated land for classrooms to be built behind the white frame church building. In 1954, the current brick educational building was constructed. In addition to classrooms, the building included a fellowship hall located where the church offices are today. The church's kitchen was the small kitchen near the Special Friends room.
In need of more space for worship, the sanctuary was built. The first service in the new sanctuary was held June 14, 1964, with 235 in Sunday School and 129 in Church Training. The building was dedicated on July 12, 1964. On Sunday morning January 13, 1974, the note was burned, leaving the church debt free.
The newest addition, a welcome center, fellowship hall with a kitchen and preschool area was dedicated on June 6, 2004

150th Anniversary Celebration

Join us on November 3, 2024 as we celebrate 150 years of engaging people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our special service will begin at
10:00 am. A catered celebration lunch
will follow the service.

Guest Speaker

Dr. Randy Davis will be our guest speaker. Dr. Davis has been the Executive Director of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) since 2010. He came to the TBMB after 34 years of pastoral ministry, serving churches in Mississippi and Tennessee. Randy and wife, Jeanne, have two adult daughters, Wendy and Beth, and four grandchildren.
Mount Harmony applied for membership with the Tennessee Baptist Association (TBA) upon incorporation in 1874. After review of the church's faith statement and bylaws, at a regular meeting of the TBA in 1875, they voted to accept Mount Harmony into the association.